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Recent Publications

The Effect of Household Earnings on Child School Mental Health Designations: Evidence from Administrative Data
Journal of Human Resources

Lauren Jones investigates the impact of household earnings shocks on in-school mental health designations in the context of the Great Recession using propensity score matching and a unique data set of linked administrative educational and tax data.

Managing Forced Migration: Overt and Covert Policies to Limit the Influx of Ukrainian Refugees
World Affairs

Jos Raadschelders studies the reception of Ukrainian migrants in the EU and United States. 

‘We Expected a Revolution and Got a Slow Burn’: Microfoundations of Institutional Change in the Community Foundation Field
Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly

Megan LePere-Schloop uses a simultaneous qualitative mixed methods design to describe organizational paths to community leadership while considering field-level aspiration toward such change.

Specifying Cross-system Collaboration Strategies for Implementation: A Multi-site Qualitative Study with Child Welfare and Behavioral Health Organizations
Implementation Science

This study identifies, describes, and specifies multi-level collaboration strategies used during the implementation of Ohio Sobriety Treatment and Reducing Trauma (Ohio START), a cross-system intervention that integrates services across two systems (child welfare and evidence-based behavioral health services) for families that are affected by co-occurring child maltreatment and parental substance use disorders.

Preference for Group-based Social Hierarchy and the Reluctance to Accept Women as Equals in Law Enforcement
Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory

Jill Davis and Russell Hassan study whether police officers motivated to protect existing social power hierarchies are more likely to resist organizational diversity and hold more negative views about women's suitability for law enforcement.

Perspectives of community members on community-based participatory research: A systematic literature review
Journal on Urban Affairs

Jill Clark and colleagues study interest in community-based participatory research by universities and funders by analyzing peer-reviewed scholarship on CBPR.

The Relation Between Perceived Racial Discrimination and Civic Engagement Among People of Asian Descent
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly

Long Tran, Russell Hassan and Darwin Baluran examine how perceived racial discrimination relates to political and community civic engagement among people of Asian descent after COVID-19.

Gender Differences in Workplace Incivility Experiences and Their Impacts on the Wellbeing and Retention of Women in Law Enforcement Organizations
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice

Jill Davis, Russell Hassan and colleagues examine higher rates of workforce incivility reports from policewomen versus policemen. Policewomen also report heightened emotional exhaustion and express a greater intention to leave their current positions than policemen.