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Recent Publications

Inequality in high-cost borrowing and unemployment insurance generosity in US states during the COVID-19 pandemic
Nature Human Behavior

Stephanie Moulton and colleagues research the association between public benefits and the use of costly credit.

The impact of surprise billing laws on emergency services
Health Economics

Wendy Xu investigated the effects of the state laws on emergency clinician reimbursements, charges, network participation, and potential surprise billing episodes.

Giving Voice: Examining the Tactical Repertoires of Nonprofit Advocacy for Disadvantaged Populations
Nonprofit Policy Forum

This research study empirically examines the ways that service-providing nonprofit organizations advocate on behalf of their disadvantaged clients.

The Gift of a Lifetime: The Hospital, Modern Medicine, and Mortality
American Economic Review

Alex Hollingsworth explores how access to modern hospitals and medicine affects short-run and long-run mortality. 

Systemic Factors Influencing Risk Aversion: Diagnosing Behaviors and Tailoring Interventions for Lasting Transformation

This report discusses the Phase II work for the Systemic Factors Influencing Risk Aversion: Diagnosing Behaviors and Tailoring Interventions for Lasting Transformation project (WRT-1081.8.4). The project was a collaboration between the Air Force Installation Contracting Center (AFICC) and The Ohio State University (OSU).

Children needs and childcare: an illustration of how underappreciated social and economic needs shape the farm enterprise
Agriculture and Human Values

Shoshanah Inwood studies how children and their childcare needs shape the farm enterprise and the extent to which childcare arrangements, farm individuals and households, and farm enterprise characteristics interact with these decisions.

For-profit milk in nonprofit cartons? The case of nonprofit charter schools subcontracting with for-profit education management organizations
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

Long Tran and Stéphane Lavertu examine how nonprofit charter schools’ reliance on for-profit operators affects student achievement and attendance