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Planning toward sustainable food systems - An exploratory assessment of local U.S. food system plans
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development

Published by Jill Clark, this assessment of government-adopted food system plans in the U.S. examines which topics, across the three dimensions of sustainability (social, environmental, and economic), are included in local food system plans and conducts an exploratory analysis that asks whether the community capitals (built, cultural, social, financial, human, and natural) available in a community are associated with the content of food system plans.

Academic Achievement and Pandemic Recovery in Ohio

Vladimir Kogan examines student performance on the Ohio fall 2021 third grade English language arts (ELA) assessment.

It's About Time: Examining Inequality in the Time Cost of Waiting

This working paper, from Associate Professor Katie Vinopal, examines the scale and extent of socioeconomic differences in waiting time

Maintaining School Foodservice Operations in Ohio during COVID-19: "This [Was] Not the Time to Sit Back and Watch"
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Jennifer Garner and Joshua Hawley analyze how COVID-19 related lockdowns affected critical resources for nutritious food.

Do Opioid Prescriptions Lead to Fatal Car Crashes?
American Journal of Health Economic

Associate Professor Lauren Jones examines the effects of Opioid prescriptions on fatal car crashes.

Academic Achievement and Pandemic Recovery: Update from Fall Third Grade ELA Assessments

This report by Prof. Vladimir Kogan examines student performance on the Ohio fall 2021 third grade English language arts (ELA) assessment, covering the second cohort of third graders tested since the beginning of the pandemic.

The Long-Term Effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Women’s Physical and Mental Health
Health Economics

Lauren Jones estimates the long-term effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) eligibility on women's physical and mental health at age 50. 

Approaches for Overcoming Barriers to Cross-Sector Data Sharing
The American Journal of Managed Care

This study explores factors influencing the development and sustainability of data sharing in the Mid-Ohio Farmacy (MOF), a produce referral program implemented in partnership between a community-based organization and an academic medical center, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Utilization Patterns of a Food Referral Program: Findings from the Mid-Ohio Farmacy
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

There is limited evidence describing utilization of clinic-based food referral programs intended to support healthy eating for food-insecure patients. To address this gap, this study aims to describe the utilization of the Mid-Ohio Farmacy (MOF).

Community supported agriculture plus nutrition education improves skills, self efficacy, and eating behaviors among low income caregivers but not their children: a randomized controlled trial
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Despite the benefits of adequate fruit and vegetable (FV) intake, most individuals in the U.S. do not eat recommended amounts, with lower intake among individuals with lower socioeconomic status. Findings suggesting that greater FV access is related to higher intake underpin ongoing public health efforts to increase FV intake.

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