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Recent Publications

Should Managers Provide General or Specific Ethical Guidelines to Employees: Insights from a Mixed Methods Study
Journal of Business Ethics

Professor Russell Hassan contributes to our understanding of how communication of ethical guidelines by managers may reduce the likelihood of employee unethical behavior.

The Power to Convene: Making Sense of the Power of Food Movement Organizations in Governance Processes in the Global North
Agriculture and Human Values

Professor Jill Clark uses the concept of relational fields to conduct a post-hoc analysis of nine cases, examining how social movement organizations and other actors actively create new deliberative governance spaces. 

Community supported agriculture plus nutrition education improves skills, self efficacy, and eating behaviors among low income caregivers but not their children: a randomized controlled trial
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Despite the benefits of adequate fruit and vegetable (FV) intake, most individuals in the U.S. do not eat recommended amounts, with lower intake among individuals with lower socioeconomic status. Findings suggesting that greater FV access is related to higher intake underpin ongoing public health efforts to increase FV intake.

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Student Learning in Ohio

Stephane Lavertu studies COVID-19 pandemic caused significant learning losses for Ohio public school students, especially in math and for disadvantaged students.

Ethnography: Tales of the Nonprofit Field
International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations

Professor Erynn Beaton describes how nonprofits can use ethnography to enrich research.

The Publicness of Publicly Funded Research
Science and Public Policy

Professor Caroline Wagner examines key US legislative initiatives during the post–World War II history of public policy related to the ownership of publicly funded research-based knowledge. 

Essential, Fragile, and Invisible Community Food Infrastructure: The Role of Urban governments in the United States
Food Policy

Professor Jill Clark examines the role of subnational governments in community food infrastructures.



Fixes that Fail: A system archetype for examining racialized structures within the food system
American Journal of Community Psycholog

Professor Jill Clark provides a narrative interpretive tool for unveiling complexity within the food system and interdependencies with racialized systems such as criminal justice and labor market.