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Recent Publications

The Publicness of Publicly Funded Research
Science and Public Policy

Professor Caroline Wagner examines key US legislative initiatives during the post–World War II history of public policy related to the ownership of publicly funded research-based knowledge. 

Essential, Fragile, and Invisible Community Food Infrastructure: The Role of Urban governments in the United States
Food Policy

Professor Jill Clark examines the role of subnational governments in community food infrastructures.



Fixes that Fail: A system archetype for examining racialized structures within the food system
American Journal of Community Psycholog

Professor Jill Clark provides a narrative interpretive tool for unveiling complexity within the food system and interdependencies with racialized systems such as criminal justice and labor market.

Beyond backyard chickens: A framework for understanding municipal urban agriculture policies in the United States
Food Policy

Professor Jill Clark develops a framework to understand the landscape of municipal urban agriculture policy, focusing on authority, policy instruments, and topic areas.

China’s Scholarship Shows Atypical Referencing Patterns

Professor Caroline Wagner analyzes reference pairs in articles to search for unexpected referencing combinations at the journal–journal level

Measuring the Potential Impact of New and Reformulated Bread and Breakfast Cereal Products on Nutrient Intakes
US Department of Agriculture

Professor Neal Hooker studies the potential impact of new breakfast cereal and bread products on nutrients consumed by adults and children.

Not All High-Growth Firms Are Alike: Capturing and Tagging Ohio’s Gazelles
Economic Development Quarterly

Professor Ned Hill presents a statistically valid typology of high-growth firms, also known as gazelles, to determine if payroll and job growth patterns differ between groups or clusters.

Development Starts With Historical Endowments: Industrial Policy and Leadership Are Catalysts
Economic Development Quarterly

Professor Ned Hill discusses how economic endowments and industrial policy played roles in both regions’ economic outcomes