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Recent Publications

Vulnerability of Existing and Planned Coal-Fired Power Plants in Developing Asia to Changes in Climate and Water Resources
Energy and Environmental Science

Professor Jeff Bielicki describes the impact of the growing use of coal power generation in Asia on climate and water resources.

Rookie Mistakes: The Interplay of Teacher Experience and Racial Representation
Educational Researcher

Associate Professor Katie Vinopal examines the extent to which teachers’ perceptions of racially dissimilar students vary by experience in the teaching profession

Portable Innovation, Policy Wormholes, and Innovation Diffusion

This article in Public Administration Review explores the effects of city managers' career paths on the diffusion of climate policy innovation among municipal governments in the United States.

Bayesian Calibration of Multi-Response Systems via Multivariate Kriging: Methodology and Geological and Geotechnical Case Studies
Engineering Geology

Professor Dormady proposes a highly efficient Bayesian updating framework that is integrated with multivariate Kriging surrogate modeling to quantify heteroscedastic uncertainties in the entire space of uncertain system variables and capture spatial and temporal dependencies among the responses using non-separable covariance structure. 

A Dialogue on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Nonprofits
Academy of Management

Professors Erynn Beaton and Rebecca Smith compare practice-oriented recommendations and academic research regarding sexual harassment in nonprofit workplaces.

International NGO Centralization and Leader-Perceived Effectiveness
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly

Professor Long Tran explores how centralization, a fundamental structural characteristic, relates to an INGO’s effectiveness as perceived by its own leader versus by leaders of other INGOs.

Timing Is Money: Does Lump‐Sum Payment Of The Earned Income Tax Credit Affect Savings And Debt?
Economic Inquiry

Associate Professor Lauren Jones investigates whether savings and debt among EITC‐eligible families reflect the timing of payments.

Global Science for Global Challenges
Handbook on Science and Public Policy

Professor Caroline Wagner explores the application of complex systems theory to understand the rapid growth of international collaboration, particularly as it can be applied to global challenges.